When Road Rage Turns Deadly

When Road Rage Turns Deadly Despite decades of warnings and prohibitions, road rage continues to be a serious problem on the roadways of Southern California. It only takes one individual’s temper tantrum to set off a chain of events that can end in serious injury, and even death. When road rage occurs, innocent victims may have grounds for a monetary claim against the initial aggressor, particularly when witnesses or cameras provide proof of the circumstances leading up to the crash.

A recent incident of road rage ended with a multi-vehicle highway crash and one driver hospitalized, as reported by NBC Los Angeles. Camera footage of the June 2017 accident seems to have started with a confrontation between a motorcyclist and the driver of a passenger vehicle. A passenger in a separate vehicle reportedly began recording after the passenger car cut in front of the motorcycle’s path. The video reportedly shows the motorcycle speeding up beside the driver’s side of the car and kicking it. The van swerved into a wall and crashed into a pickup truck, causing it to flip over. The motorcyclist then reportedly left the scene of the collision.

The driver of the pickup truck was the sole party transported to the hospital with physical injuries, but a knowledgeable Los Angeles vehicle accident lawyer understands the psychological and emotional pain that road rage incidents can cause for all involved parties. Cars and trucks can become deadly weapons when used inappropriately, and these acts of aggression often escalate quickly to the point of serious vehicle accidents and resulting injuries.

What to do if you are a victim of road rage

The most important step you can take when faced with road rage is to remain calm. Meeting aggression with more aggression only worsens the situation. Sometimes even a moment of eye contact can send an individual into a rage. Instead, focus on driving your vehicle in a safe manner and, if possible, remove yourself from the vicinity of the aggressor.

If you are not able to avoid the situation, or the driver becomes increasingly irate, call 911 for police assistance. Let the operator know your whereabouts and what is taking place. Do not pull over to the side of the road unless it is absolutely necessary and do not engage in a chase. If you do feel the need to pull over, try to find a safe location, such as a police or fire station. Do not exit your vehicle until police have arrived on the scene.

If you were injured in a road rage incident, count on the Los Angeles injury attorneys of Taylor & Ring to fight for your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 310-776-6390 or complete our contact form to discuss the merits of your case.