California State Senate to Hand Sexual Harassment Claims to Independent Legal Team

California State Senate to Hand Sexual Harassment Claims to Independent Legal TeamIn the wake of a flood of allegations against current and former lawmakers in the California state Senate, sexual harassment complaints will now go to an outside legal team, instead of being handled internally. This means that senators can no longer review grievances against themselves or their co-workers, and all investigations will go outside the Senate for independent investigation.

More than 300 women working in California politics signed a letter in October stating they have “endured, or witnessed or worked with women who have experienced some form of dehumanizing behavior by men with power in our workplaces.” In the Senate, with colleagues policing each other, most women lawmakers believe an unbiased environment is impossible. Additionally, staffers have stated they have felt uncomfortable reporting any harassment for fear of retaliation.

What we do and do not know

Although the Senate announced this change in how it handles sexual harassment claims, we do not yet know the exact details.

Here is what we do know:

  • Harassment claims will no longer be handled internally and instead will go to an outside legal team
  • Hearings will begin at the end of November to review policies and seek recommendations to improve the process
  • General findings of investigations will be made public at the discretion of victims and whistleblowers

And what we do not know:

  • What legal team or organization will handle sexual harassment claims
  • How much the process would cost taxpayers
  • How much information would remain behind the attorney/client privilege wall
  • If it is ethical that the Legislature itself is choosing the outside legal team

This is a positive step toward reducing sexual misconduct in the workplace. By giving women the ability to report harassment to a third party, they may be less reluctant to come forward due to fear of losing their job or suffering retaliation for taking action.

Any unwanted form of sexual behavior in the workplace is harassment, whether it is verbal or physical. It can make it difficult to perform your job and affect you psychologically, both in the workplace and at home. And you should never be afraid for your job because someone is being abusive toward you.

We know that the thought of bringing a claim of sexual harassment is intimidating. At Taylor & Ring, we will answer your questions and provide compassionate representation—but will also fight aggressively for you. Call us today at 310.776.6390 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Los Angeles and the Southern California area.