Accidents Caused by Trucks Backing Up

Backup accidents (also called back over accidents) occur when a commercial truck hits a person, or hits another vehicle or stationary object, while the truck is in reverse. Large commercial trucks have huge blind spots, which makes the task of backing up dangerous, unless the driver has the assistance of a spotter or a rear-view…

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Electronic Logging Device Data in Truck Accident Investigations

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) function as “black boxes” for commercial trucks. The ELD is connected to the truck’s engine, and it monitors when the truck is moving and when it has stopped. ELDs replace paper logs for those interstate truck drivers who are required to keep record of duty status (RODS) logs. The National Transportation…

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Truck “Backing-Up” Accidents – Can We Reduce Them?

You’ve likely heard the piercing “beep beep beep” and seen flashing lights as a semi-truck has shifted into reverse to back into a loading dock or parking lot. You may also have noticed how difficult and dangerous it looks when a truck driver performs this maneuver, with limited visibility and space. Sometimes, these trucks may…

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Two Recalls Affect More Than 28,000 International Trucks

Navistar, Inc. recently announced two separate recalls involving more than 28,000 International trucks. Additionally, Continental Tire announced a recall of approximately 2,000 commercial truck tires. These announcements are according to documents from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The trucking company is recalling 26,288 of their heavy-duty trucks with specific Cummins engines – ISX15…

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The Dangers and Consequences of Truck Rollovers

Big rig rollovers can produce a range of consequences – from simply shutting down traffic hours, to serious injuries, to even death. Case in point: A recent crash in California involving a cement truck forced the closure of southbound 110 Freeway in Carson on July 20. The accident took place near the Carson Street exit…

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Truck Falls from Overpass onto the 5 Freeway

In early January, an 18-wheeler seemingly fell from the sky onto the northbound 5 freeway. Well, it wasn’t exactly the sky, but an overpass. Around 10:00am on January 9, a truck fell off the overpass at the 118 and 5 interchange in Mission Hills. The driver was taken to a hospital with serious injuries, but…

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Garbage Trucks Pose a Danger to Neighborhood Streets

Every day, garbage trucks drive our roadways and neighborhood streets to provide a valuable service to the community. However, when these large and heavy vehicles are not operated in a safe manner, they can cause serious accidents that leave innocent victims with severe injuries. Recent Los Angeles garbage truck crashes demonstrate the dangers of these…

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Los Angeles Metro Region is a Hotbed for Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Thousands of commercial trucks carry freight over the roadways of California every single day. As one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, the Los Angeles metro region contains an extensive market for the transport of freight. While all of this commercial activity may be good for the economy, the high risk of truck…

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Twin 33-foot trailer trucks: Does federal law allow for them?

Not yet. That is the answer to the above-posed headline question — at least as of today. As noted in a recent media piece discussing twin 33-foot trailer trucks, these true behemoths of the road are not currently approved for nationwide use on the country’s freeways and interstates. That could be changing, though, with a…

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It’s not just trucks that are dangerous: some drivers are, too

Actually, the above headline might reasonably benefit from a slight word adjustment, namely, the substitution of “many” for “some,” given relevant statistics that help flesh out the real-world dimensions of driver-related risks in the nation’s commercial trucking industry. In the aggregate, commercial truckers would seem by all indications to warrant close scrutiny from safety regulators…

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‘Coughing fit’ blamed for fatal big rig accident in Pacoima

Multi-vehicle auto accidents involving large commercial vehicles require detailed investigations to determine exactly what happened. Truck drivers and trucking companies are subject to regulations that do not apply to passenger vehicles, and unfortunately violations of trucking industry regulations are to blame for many crashes. Police are looking into the cause of a recent series of…

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CDC: As many as 6,000 fatal accidents due to drowsy driving

While drunk driving and distracted driving are generally seen as dangerous behaviors that risk lives, another kind of dangerous behavior — drowsy driving — doesn’t get as much attention. Still, high risks are associated with drowsiness behind the wheel. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), being awake…

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