New Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Gaming Industry

By Taylor & Ring | July 20, 2020

The industry known as “e-sports” has grown exponentially over the last decade. This form of sports entertainment involves professional gamers who play a wide variety of video games on various platforms, all under the structure of organized competition. These competitive events and tournaments are highly publicized and heavily attended. Millions around the world watch these…

Adult Film Star Ron Jeremy Charged with Sexual Assault

By Taylor & Ring | July 16, 2020

Several prominent men in the Los Angeles, CA area have recently been charged with sexual assault crimes against women. Adult film actor Ron Jeremy (Ronald Jeremy Hyatt), 67, is one of these men. The charges filed against him include the rape of three women and the sexual assault of a fourth. The alleged victims range…

Sexual Harassment at Work – When To Talk to HR and When To Call a Lawyer

By Taylor & Ring | July 6, 2020

Everyone is entitled to a harassment-free workplace. When a co-worker, business associate, or superior treats you in a way that qualifies as sexual harassment, your first instinct may be to simply keep quiet. Often, employees don’t want to make waves and hope the perpetrator will just stop. However, if you are subjected to harassment on…

Child Victims Act Ruling Bolsters Support for Sex Abuse Survivors

By Taylor & Ring | June 22, 2020

A recent ruling upholding the constitutionality of New York state’s “look-back law” for sexual abuse lawsuits gives victims of abuse and their attorneys improved ability to bring a lawsuit. Attorneys and plaintiffs across the country praised the decision, saying it sets a precedent for more victims to come forward and prosecute their abusers, even if…

New Title IX Rules Go Into Effect in August – What They Are and How They May Affect You

By Taylor & Ring | June 15, 2020

The passage of the Educational Amendments Act in 1972 also ushered in Title IX, which helped change the way sexual misconduct and harassment are handled in American higher education. Title IX prohibits sex and gender discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently announced some new rules to this…

Child Sex Abuse Reports Rise During Pandemic Lockdown

By Taylor & Ring | June 12, 2020

The shelter in place orders resulting from the coronavirus outbreak drastically changed the daily lives of millions of Americans. Our local and national leaders implemented social distancing and lockdown orders designed to slow the spread of the virus and keep citizens safe. However, these safety measures actually put some of our more vulnerable citizens at…

The Effect of Coronavirus on Sex Trafficking Victims

By Taylor & Ring | June 1, 2020

The Coronavirus pandemic has hurt people around the world in more ways than one. From job loss to sickness to death, people across the country are dealing with adversity at every turn. There are groups of people who are having a particularly difficult time getting the help they need: sex trafficking victims, sexual abuse victims,…

Bay Area Tennis Coach Convicted of Sexual Abuse

By Taylor & Ring | May 25, 2020

Normandie Burgos, a well-known coach in the Bay Area, was convicted of 60 counts of child molestation in May 2019 and sentenced to 255 years in prison. Despite being arrested for the second time in 2014 for charges of abusing one of his players, Burgos was allowed to continue coaching until 2017. He was arrested…

How to Handle Sexual Harassment in Virtual Meetings

By Taylor & Ring | May 18, 2020

Virtual meetings have become the go-to method of communicating for workplaces and schools throughout California and all across the country ever since the Coronavirus pandemic took over the United States. With schools moving to remote learning and many workplaces moving their employees to remote settings, virtual meetings have been how people are still completing their…

What Can I Do If I Have to Shelter in Place with a Sexual Abuser?

By Taylor & Ring | May 14, 2020

Millions of Americans have been told to shelter-in-place or stay-at-home since the pandemic reached the United States. Even though many Americans will be safe while staying home, millions are not safe in their own homes due to domestic violence. In fact, more than 10 million Americans experience some form of domestic violence every year. Removing…

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