A sexual assault forensic exam, commonly known as a rape kit, is an examination to collect any evidence left behind after a sexual assault. When a survivor chooses to report an assault to authorities, this exam can be extremely helpful in prosecuting the assailant, as well as allowing the victim to receive necessary medical care.…
George Tyndall, a former gynecologist for USC, was arrested and charged with 18 counts of sexual assault and 11 counts of sexual battery by fraud. He faces up to 53 years in prison if he is convicted on all charges. At this time, the charges stem from accusations posed by 16 different women. However, the…
A recently released report revealed some interesting statistics in the wake of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement – that more Californians experience sexual harassment than anyone else in the country. The report states that sexual harassment and assault cases in our state are 5% higher for women, and 10% higher for men (especially gay or…
A recent NPR article shined a light on overlooked victims of sexual assault – adult survivors of sexual abuse by nuns. Awareness and acknowledgement of the abuse and molestation of girls and boys by priests and clergy is growing, and this validation is helping survivors of abuse by religious sisters come forward with their allegations.…
The Catholic Church has been at the heart of multiple sexual abuse scandals for more than a decade now, with more and more victims. The survivors are generally males (though woman have come forward in record numbers, too) who attended all-boy grade schools and high schools throughout the United States. This type of systemic abuse…
Sexual assault is a crime that many people don’t like to think about, but should be in the back of your mind. Many refuse to think that it will happen to them until it does. The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that one in every six women will be the victim of…
Aimee Palmitessa was charged with 12 felony counts for having sex with one of her students at Brentwood School; the student was a minor at the time. Last August, the student – “John Doe” – sued Brentwood School: “The 33-page complaint documented Palmitessa’s history of suggestive behavior toward students, even before Doe ended up in…
Researchers have come up with response protocols for sexual assault response teams that operate on campuses across the country. These sexual assault response teams are faced with multiple barriers when responding to reports of sexual assault that prevent their work from being effective to the same level as response teams operated by cities and counties.…
In an effort to promote understanding during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, officials at Fort Bragg launched a sexual assault escape room. The purpose of the room is to educate soldiers on sexual assault in the military, the prevention program in place, and the resources available to members of the military who have been assaulted. The…
Thousands of credible accusations have been leveled against the Catholic Church over the last few years alone, and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is no exception. Having just secured the largest individual settlement for a sex abuse case ever offered by Archdiocese, we know firsthand how important it is that survivors come forward. That is…