How Health Professionals Treat the Sexual Abuse of Children

By David M. Ring | November 16, 2017

Sexual abuse of children is extremely hard to manage. Children often don’t understand what happened, have less ability to communicate their anger and explain what happened than adults, and often have long-term adverse effects from any type of sexual abuse. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2004, early detection of sexual…

Driver Fatigue and California Truck Accidents

By David M. Ring | November 13, 2017

Many truck companies push their drivers to meet unrealistic schedules. Often, drivers think they will be rewarded if they get to a truck delivery site ahead of time. Unfortunately, to achieve these hurried timeframes, many drivers fail to get the necessary sleep they need. Tired drivers are dangerous drivers. Drivers who are fatigued don’t have…

How Do You Report Sexual Harassment When You Are Not an Official “Employee”?

By David M. Ring | November 9, 2017

Many employees and aspiring employees are sexually harassed. Sexual harassment includes requests for sexual favors, sexual advances that are unwelcome, and physical and verbal harassment that is sexually related. Offensive remarks can be sexual harassment. Generally, sexual harassment is illegal when the victim fails to get a job, is fired, or a hostile work environment…

Four Pedestrians Injured in Los Alamitos California Car Crash

By David M. Ring | November 7, 2017

On October 11, 2017, KTLA 5 reported that a 37-year old woman traveling on Bloomfield Street crossed into the opposite lane, striking four pedestrians who were crossing an intersection. The accident happened near Ball Road in the middle of the afternoon. The police do not suspect that alcohol or drugs were involved in the incident.…

#MeToo: What We Can Learn from the Campaign to End Sexual Harassment

By David M. Ring | November 2, 2017

#MeToo is a social media hashtag that emerged to help victims of sexual harassment and abuse to know that they are not alone. It was also started to let both women and men know the seriousness and the scope of the problem which has dominated many recent news cycles because celebrities and people in power…

Date Rape Is Increasingly Abetted by Drugs

By David M. Ring | October 31, 2017

While it can be challenging to find recent, reliable statistics about the number of drug-assisted sexual assaults, the prevalence of social awareness, the proliferation of new club drugs that double as date-rape drugs, and the lack of widely available drug detection devices have all contributed to a recent rise in date rapes facilitated by chemicals.…

Witness Statements Are an Invaluable Element in Determining Fault in Car Accidents

By David M. Ring | October 26, 2017

Being in a car crash can create an unreliable sense of time passing – either slowing down or speeding up – particularly if you have sustained an injury of any kind or seen someone else be injured. Witness statements can help clarify not only to the police, but also to those involved in an accident,…

Uber Sexual Assault Case Net Widens as Police Look for Other Victims of Predatory Driver

By David M. Ring | October 24, 2017

A case that hit the news in June of 2017 – the arrest of Uber independently-contracted driver Alaric Spence– expanded as the LAPD put out a request in late September for additional alleged victims to come forward. The case moving forward involves a passenger falling asleep in Spence’s vehicle, only to awaken hours later in…

The Question Isn’t Whether You Will Be Injured on a Motorcycle; It’s How

By David M. Ring | October 19, 2017

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that in 2014, “Motorcyclist deaths occurred 27 times more frequently than fatalities in other vehicles.” The injury rate was 6 times any other roadway motorist. In over 40 years of data tracking and monitoring, the results have not changed significantly: motorcyclists are at risk no matter how experienced…

Catholic Church’s Delay in Response to Child Sex Abuse Scandal Led to Further Harm

By David M. Ring | October 17, 2017

Despite swelling numbers from an active ministry abroad, child sex abuse scandals within the US, UK, and Australia have tarnished the religious institutions’ reputations. Allegations about priests abusing children have become a main staple of comedy, but the real results are more horrific: destruction of lives, desecration of bright futures, and a significant decrease in…

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