Know Your Options: Car Accidents Without Insurance

By Taylor & Ring | May 9, 2017

California ranks 13th in the United States for uninsured motorists, with a 14.7 percent rate of drivers without insurance. Unfortunately, many of these drivers are involved in collisions each year, whether they are at fault or not. In California, all insured drivers are urged to carry uninsured motorist coverage. If you are in an accident…

Minors and Cyber Bullying: Understanding Your Rights

By Taylor & Ring | May 4, 2017

California takes very seriously the epidemic of cyber bullying – that is, threatening, harassing, or deliberately frightening another person online. In fact, cyber bullying can be a crime in the state. Each and every school in the state is required at this time to advance policies for interpersonal relationships surrounding cyber bullying, as well as…

In a Motorcycle Accident Claim, Evidence is Critical

By Taylor & Ring | May 2, 2017

Motorcycle accidents are among the most sinister of vehicular collisions and, oftentimes, motorists are horribly injured. Enduring the trauma and fallout from one of these crashes can result in lost wages and impaired earning capacity, pain and suffering, property damage, and a host of other ills. If you are planning on filing a personal injury…

What You Need to Know: Sexual Abuse and the California Clergy

By Taylor & Ring | April 25, 2017

Sexual abuse and sexual assault in the clergy has been an ongoing problem for well over a century in the United States. Most notably found in the Catholic Church, no religious organization is exempt from sexual abuse controversies. California alone has been the subject of several scandals involving clergy sexual abuse. Although there has been…

Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault and Abuse: A Master List

By Taylor & Ring | April 20, 2017

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which means you will see lots of teal ribbons adorning backpacks, clothing, and other spaces. This month is intended to raise awareness of the prevalence of sexual assault as well as to acknowledge and support the resiliency of assault survivors. Victims of sexual assault and abuse have to grapple…

These Sorin 3T Heater-Coolers Pose a Serious Risk

By Taylor & Ring | April 18, 2017

Lawyers are the first to tell you that you don’t always need to go to trial; for every valid claim that makes it to trial, there are dozens that never see the light of day. Just as there are provisions, edicts, and even laws that prevent frivolous lawsuits from going to trial, there are provisions…

Did You Know You Can Challenge an Inaccurate Police Report about Your Car Accident?

By Taylor & Ring | April 13, 2017

Following a car accident where there were injuries, the responding law enforcement officer will typically write up a police report. While a police report for a car accident is generally not admissible in court, it is an important piece of evidence when it comes to assigning fault and capturing the facts of what happened in…

Los Angeles Attorneys Explain Key Issues in Date Rape Cases

By Taylor & Ring | April 11, 2017

In California, “Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following circumstances: Where a person is incapable, because of a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability, of giving legal consent…. Where it is accomplished against a person s will by means…

How Many Students Can a Teacher Molest Before Desert Sands Unified School District Actually Does Something?

By Taylor & Ring | March 29, 2017

Maybe this seems like a no-brainer: any teacher who is reported to have behaved inappropriately should immediately be suspended, pending an investigation. And if that investigation yields results that corroborate the student’s testimony, you might assume that teacher would immediately be fired, if not hauled off to jail. Unless your child attends Desert Sands Unified,…

How to Hold Coaches, Schools, and Sports Organizations Liable for Sexual Abuse and Harassment of Athletes

By Taylor & Ring | March 15, 2017

According to — a nonprofit dedicated to helping abused students and sports organizations draft effective policies to prevent, stop, and report abuse — sexual abuse and harassment of athletes of any gender by coaches is a major problem. Students and young athletes place their trust in coaches to help the students achieve better athletic…

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