Crackdown on child sex trafficking ring in California community

By Taylor & Ring | August 17, 2016

Operation “Baby Face” might ostensibly and at first glance sound like something totally innocuous and even uplifting. A photo contest for cute infants, for instance. Maybe an online zoo fundraiser betting that adorable animal shots will bring in viewer contributions. A statement uttered by one commentator in an article on Baby Face quickly belies any…

Twin 33-foot trailer trucks: Does federal law allow for them?

By Taylor & Ring | August 12, 2016

Not yet. That is the answer to the above-posed headline question — at least as of today. As noted in a recent media piece discussing twin 33-foot trailer trucks, these true behemoths of the road are not currently approved for nationwide use on the country’s freeways and interstates. That could be changing, though, with a…

Those e-cigarettes can be dangerous, especially for truckers

By Taylor & Ring | August 12, 2016

Smoking is a known health risk, of course, with a well-established nexus to cancer and other adverse outcomes. As such, warnings regarding the practice have become progressively more dire and explicit over time. Here’s one that could not have been remotely imagined even a year or so ago: Be careful with a certain type of…

Report: USA Gymnastics gets no medal for policing sex offenders

By Taylor & Ring | August 10, 2016

“It’s horrible, but it’s not the worst.” As far as endorsements go, that is, what, rather … tepid? Depending on the context, the comment might not be much of a big deal, but the context is this: sexual predators having close access to millions of young American gymnasts in clubs and training facilities from California…

Nation’s vice president to spotlight untested rape kits

By Taylor & Ring | August 5, 2016

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has long taken a strong advocacy stance on behalf of sexual assault victims, and he will reportedly promote his involvement in that realm by rendering a cameo performance in an upcoming television episode on a long-running and popular series. That show is Law & Order: SVU (special victims unit), which…

Child sex abuse sting underscores global dimensions of problem

By Taylor & Ring | August 3, 2016

Readers of our child advocacy legal blog at the Los Angeles law firm of Taylor & Ring know that, unfortunately, child sex abuse is not a narrowly confined and limited issue (and even if it were, of course, that would hardly make it any less tragic). Sadly, and as we have necessarily noted in prior…

California ramping up school-based sexual harassment education

By Taylor & Ring | July 30, 2016

It’s really not hard to understand, say school officials, advocates promoting harassment-free school environments, many parents and other interested parties. Here’s the deal, in a nutshell: Much harmful and unlawful sexual conduct hat manifests itself in adulthood owes centrally to a perpetrator’s wrongful behaviors learned — and, importantly, not discouraged — years earlier. As in…

Federal regulators concerned with U.S. traffic fatality numbers

By Taylor & Ring | July 27, 2016

Dismal. That is the clear and unadorned assessment of U.S. safety regulators who have culled and closely examined 2015 data relating to motor vehicle accidents across the country that resulted in fatalities. And here’s what is especially troubling to transportation and highway safety officials: Fatal accident-related numbers are up for virtually every type of crash.…

Calabasas School Faces Lawsuit After Shielding Inappropriate Teacher

By Taylor & Ring | July 27, 2016

Viewpoint School, a K-12 grade school in Calabasas, California, will potentially face a civil suit after several accusations were made against the school for helping a former employee, Joseph Koetters, land another job after he demonstrated inappropriate behavior as one of the school’s teachers. Joseph Koetters, who was employed by Viewpoint from 1998-1999, later transferred…

A sometimes overlooked problem: student-committed sexual abuse

By Taylor & Ring | July 22, 2016

Do not wait to seek legal help. That is the firm admonition we stress for parents and other caregivers in Southern California or elsewhere across the state who reasonably know or suspect that a child under their charge is being sexually abused by one or more students at school. We note on our website at…

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