A certain aspect of child sexual abuse eradication efforts is progressively emerging into public light in a manner that is most assuredly heartening to all but the most perverted and dangerous people living in the United States and foreign countries. At the same time, though, and even as dramatically exciting announcements are being made that…
Readers seeing the words “grooming behaviors” might typically have no particular reaction to them at all, simply viewing them in the commonplace vein of actions taken to render oneself presentable in public. We clean, we comb … we groom. Given that this is a blog focused on advocacy for sexual abuse victims in California, though,…
Statutes of limitation are so-called “repose” laws, meaning that they impose some cut off point in the future attaching to a criminal investigation for matters of fundamental fairness. Evidence grows old. Memories fade. Witnesses die. Prosecuting a case after, say, 40 years of an alleged crime occurring yields a heightened possibility for error and a…
Former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert is scheduled to be sentenced later this month for criminal wrongdoing regarding evasive money transactions. Those dealings were what initially led to a federal investigation focused upon allegations of Hastert’s sexual abuse of students who were under his charge decades ago, when he was a high school…
David Ring talked with the LA Times about his client’s fears after she heard an apparent recording of Charlie Sheen making violent threats against her following her civil lawsuit. Read full article here: http://goo.gl/42f63K http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2016/04/06/lapd-investigates-charlie-sheen/82715658/ March 24, 2016 L.A.’s Marlborough school is now blaming a sexual abuse victim for being molested by her teacher and…
“These issues thrive on silence,” says a program director of an organization devoted to reducing violence against young people. The “issues” that individual is referring to are centered on the scourge of sexual assault acts perpetrated by adults — both male and female offenders — against young juvenile males. The resounding silence that often surrounds…
The “boy code.” That can of course signify varied things in given contexts, but many of our readers across California can likely intuit a very specific meaning to it when it is linked to the subject of child sexual abuse. It means a male juvenile going mum. It means keeping lips pursed in the wake…
As published by LA Times, Daily Journal, OC Register, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Daily Bulletin and KTLA, on May 10, 2016, Taylor & Ring obtained an $8 million verdict against Pomona Unified School District on behalf of the then 14-year-old student who was sexually abused by her 8th grade teacher Steven Andrews. The Lorbeer Middle…
Today’s post continues discussion of a problematic reality we referenced in our immediately preceding entry, namely this: teachers in states across the country who commit acts of sexual misconduct against children and simply relocate to jobs in other areas without repercussions. And then reoffend. How is that possible? It owes to what a recent media…
Readers of our blog focused upon child sexual abuse — its identification and prevention, as well as just outcomes for victims and due punishment for perpetrators — might reasonably believe that there is a strong federal program in place that helps systematically catalog problem teachers across the country and ensure that relevant information is shared…