The “back door” to smartphones: needed tool or bound to be abused?

By Taylor & Ring | March 2, 2016

Where to draw the line? That certainly seems to be the seminal question that courts — and society in general — must address and answer with some clarity regarding what FBI Director James Comey calls “the hardest question I’ve seen in government.” That question concerns privacy expectations on the one hand and the government’s need…

Oscar-nominated movie probes clerical sexual abuse

By Taylor & Ring | February 27, 2016

“You know nothing.” So says the mother of a man who died last year after losing a long-term battle with alcoholism to people who pass judgment on matters relating to child sex abuse without having personally dealt with it in their families. “Wait until you’ve walked in our shoes,” she says. The grief that personally…

Monitoring problem teachers, Part 2: some considerations, concerns

By Taylor & Ring | February 20, 2016

So, California gets a “B.” That is the letter grade that a team of researchers at USA TODAY have given the state for the way it tracks teachers who might reasonably be termed “problems” for any number of reasons. We referenced the report — a survey, actually — in our immediately preceding blog post, noting…

It seems we can do far better monitoring problem teachers

By Taylor & Ring | February 19, 2016

For obvious reasons, reasonable and loving parents in Southern California and across the country look at their sons’ and daughters’ schools as sanctuaries. That is, they regard those venues as special places where their children go to learn and socialize without fear of being rendered vulnerable to some of life’s harms that simply shouldn’t be…


By Taylor & Ring | February 17, 2016

David Ring appeared on KTLA to discuss his civil lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District on behalf of an underage boy who was sexually abused by a San Pedro High School teacher. The substitute biology teacher, Michelle Yeh was sentenced to nearly four years in prison for multiple counts of child molestation and…

An often thorny subject: sex-based penitent/clergy communications

By Taylor & Ring | February 12, 2016

It is a case, notes one news outlet, that “highlights the struggle of courts to interpret a convoluted web of clergy reporting laws” that exist across the United States. And it underscores this topical concern: the ability of church authorities in some instances to shield sexual abusers of children from liability through invocation of a…

After decades, authorities find child sexual abuser in California

By Taylor & Ring | February 11, 2016

“[T]here are cases you never forget, some that are always in the back of your mind that you hope one day to solve,” says a Louisiana sheriff. That official can now rest a bit easier regarding at least one such case, a harrowing tale of child sexual abuse that recently entered a new phase with…

Irony: halls of learning can also be venues of child abuse

By Taylor & Ring | February 6, 2016

Our children are at once the most impressionable and vulnerable demographic within our society, possessed of breathtaking promise yet simultaneously needing to be duly supervised and watched with care while they grow and mature. We all want what’s best for our kids, and know intuitively that promoting their interests encompasses involving them in activities that…

Undercover child sexual abuse case reveals problem’s dimensions

By Taylor & Ring | February 5, 2016

He wanted to go to Mexico so that he could bargain with parents who would be willing to part with a child. He specifically communicated with a third-party contact that he wanted to “adopt/own” a toddler, adding that, “The cheapest baby girl under 3 would be good.” He commenced his journey from Ohio late last…

Breaking the cycle of sexual abuse in our schools

By Taylor & Ring | February 2, 2016

Sexual abuse can happen at any school, even the most elite private schools. One in ten children suffers sexual abuse at some point while in school. A popular teacher, coach or other trusted adult may take advantage of their position. After reporting concerns, delays by administrators and efforts to cover up abuse frequently contribute to…

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