Seven Taylor & Ring Attorneys Named to LawDragon’s 500 Leading Civil Rights & Plaintiff Lawyers

LawDragon’s 500Taylor & Ring in Los Angeles is proud to announce that seven of our attorneys have been named to LawDragon’s 500 Leading Civil Rights & Plaintiff Employment Lawyers! Congratulations to the team at Taylor & Ring for receiving this honor.

About the LawDragon 500

Per LawDragon:

This is our 7th edition of this guide, our collection of the lawyers you need when you’ve suffered discrimination; sexual abuse at school; or mistreatment by law enforcement or others in positions of trust.

We spend so much of our lives in the workplace, which has undergone tremendous change in the past decade. While some of those modernizations have been refreshing, others less so. The intersection of technology with the workplace is a perfect illustration, enabling greater efficiencies and autonomy, while extending employers’ reach beyond what was previously a physical threshold.

We all want a fair chance. These are the lawyers who’ve made it their lives’ work. So many rights we now take for granted – for minorities, women, the disabled and others – came about because of a plaintiff lawyer who decided to stand up. For those reasons and many more, it’s a particular point of pride to recognize those included here.

About our award-winning honorees

John C. Taylor is honored for his work in Employee & Civil Rights, including police shootings and sexual abuse.

David M. Ring is honored for his work in Employee & Civil rights, especially sexual abuse.

Natalie Weatherford is honored for her work in Employee & Civil Rights, especially sexual abuse.

Robert Clayton is honored for his work in Plaintiff Litigation, including sexual abuse and civil rights.

Neil Gehlawat is honored for his work in Plaintiff Litigation, which includes sexual abuse and civil rights.

Brendan Gilbert is honored for his work in Civil Rights & Employment, including sexual abuse.

Sonya Ostovar is honored for her work in Plaintiff Litigation, including sexual abuse and civil rights.

We are very proud of our honored attorneys and hope you’ll join us in congratulating them on their latest achievements!