Sex Abuse Has Lasting Effects on Victim’s Physical and Mental Health

The effects of sexual abuse are difficult and life changing. Not only do victims have to deal with the physical pain of these crimes, but they may also be left to deal with years of mental and emotional turmoil. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), victims of sexual abuse face substantial short- and long-term consequences. From the initial physical injuries to long-term psychological complications, sexual assault victims have to overcome challenges that many people cannot even imagine.

Sexual abuse victims often face physical injuries

While the severity of sexual abuse can vary greatly, many victims experience physical injuries. Some of the most common conditions, include:

  • Chronic pain. As reported by the Academy of Integrative Pain Management, some sexual abuse victims experience long-term chronic conditions, like lower back pain and frequent headaches.
  • Genital injuries. Sexual abuse can cause extensive injury to the victim’s genital area, including bruising and tears.
  • Gynecological disorders. Abuse victims may also endure significant gynecological complications. They may experience pelvic pain and be left without the ability to reproduce, due to injuries caused by the abuse.

Some female victims are impregnated by their abusers, presenting an extremely difficult and challenging circumstance for the victim and her family. Sexual abuse may also result in the contraction of a sexually transmitted disease from the perpetrator to the victim. Some of these infections have no cure, and they may exacerbate into life-altering physical conditions.

Psychological consequences of sexual violence

In addition to the physical effects of these incidents, victims are also forced to endure long-term psychological consequences. Immediately following the incident, they may experience debilitating shock, social withdrawal, and anxiety. Long-term psychological consequences of sexual abuse include:

  • Chronic depression. According to Psychology Today, most adults with severe depression experienced some level of sexual abuse as a child.
  • Avoidance of sexual relationships. Sexual abuse can taint a victim’s perspective of sexual activities. These individuals may avoid sex even within a loving and committed relationship.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is a common condition among sexual abuse victims, often extending into adulthood for child victims. Many victims report reliving the act over and over again in their heads, causing them to continuously experience the traumatic pain of these incidents.
  • Attempted or completed suicide. As previously stated, sexual abuse victims often experience extreme depression. This condition may lead to suicidal tendencies.

Sexual abuse is an act that causes harm immediately and in the long term. When calculating adequate damage amounts for the compensation of injuries, it is important to consider all of these life-changing consequences.

At Taylor & Ring, our experienced Los Angeles sexual abuse lawyers fight for victims of sexual abuse and violence. Serving victims across Southern California, we offer compassionate and aggressive representation for each and every client. Contact us today at 310-776-6390 or fill out our contact form to schedule a confidential consultation.

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