Taylor & Ring Files Lawsuit Alleging Wrongful Termination Against Abercrombie & Fitch

Lawsuit states that pregnancy and age played vital role in termination.

LOS ANGELES, CA – Taylor & Ring,a Los Angeles- based trial law firm, filed a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch Stores Inc. on behalf of a 31-year-old woman alleging wrongful termination, discrimination based on pregnancy and age and retaliation. Plaintiff Stephanie Charles worked her way up the ranks for nine years, ultimately becoming a District Manager where she supervised seven of the busiest stores in Southern California. She was terminated from her employment while on maternity leave in February 2014.

During the course of her employment, Ms. Charles alleged that she was repeatedly subjected to hostility in the workplace, and intolerable and aggravating conduct based on her pregnancy and age. Abercrombie & Fitch also refused to return Ms. Charles to her same position or a comparable one after maternity leave so instead, she agreed to a lesser position. She was then let go by the company’s Ohio Headquarters under the pretext that the company was downsizing, assuring her that the decision was not performance based. After she was terminated, a younger, single woman was brought in to fill Ms. Charles’ District Manager role.

“Abercrombie & Fitch intentionally and willfully fired our client without good cause and under a false pretext and scheme,” said John Taylor, Partner with Taylor & Ring. “Ms. Charles was a stellar employee who never received a complaint, making the actions of the defendant even more despicable and completely inexcusable.”

As a result of these actions, Ms. Charles has suffered harm, including lost earnings and other employment benefits, anguish, humiliation, embarrassment, emotional distress, nervousness, tension and anxiety. The lawsuit seeks economic damages and demands a jury trial.

In April 2014, Ms. Charles filed a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing concerning the unfair employment practices.