We Applaud Dublin’s Closing. Now Start the Federal Investigation.

We Applaud Dublin’s Closing. Now Start the Federal Investigation.The recent announcement of the closure of a woman’s prison in Dublin, California, due to ongoing reports of sexual abuse incidents, including rape, bought relief and joy to many. However, our focus now shifts to impending federal investigation, as we believe that justice must be served for those responsible for these heinous crimes.

Facts behind the Dublin prison closure

In April 2024, the decision to close the Dublin’s women prison reverberated across Los Angeles and beyond. Per AP News, advocates and sexual abuse survivors rejoiced, as many women who served time in the prison had been “subjected to rampant sexual abuse by correctional officers and even the warden, and were often threatened or punished when they tried to speak up.” The sexual abuse was so severe that the prison became known as the “rape club.”

There have been attempts to reform the prison. For example, the Prison’s Director, Collette Peters, explained that they were pursuing steps to address the culture, recruit new correctional officers, take care of the outdated and crumbling building structure, and even implement news rules and guidelines to handle employees’ misbehavior. Since the facility was unable to meet the standards, shutting it down was the best option.

The most recent update, as of May 2024, is that all the women who were serving time at the Dublin prison have been transferred to other facilities. There is not one inmate left in the Dublin prison due to the terrible sexual abuse acts that were committed and brought to light.

Has anyone been convicted of their crimes at the Dublin prison?

There are several individuals who have been convicted for crimes that took place at the Dublin women’s prison, such as:

  • Ray Garcia: Former warden sentenced to 70 months in prison and 15 years of supervision after release. He is also required to pay $15,000 in restitution.
  • James Highhouse: Former chaplain sentenced of 84 months along with five years of supervision after release.
  • Nakie Nunley: Correctional officer at the Dublin prison, sentenced 72 months for sexually abusing five different female inmates at the facility.
  • John Bellhouse: received a prison sentence of 63 months and five years of supervision after release for sexually abusing two female inmates at the prison.

According to an article released by CBS News, there are five other correctional officers who have been sentenced for their crimes at the Dublin prison.

It is now time for federal investigations to take place.

While the closure of the Dublin prison marks a significant step, we advocate for federal investigations to ensure accountability. Merely transferring inmates without further scrutiny is insufficient. More women are coming forward and taking legal action for the sexual abuse they experienced at the facility, stating that the Bureau of Prisons “failed to root out sexual abuse.” Therefore, there are strong signs that there are many others who should be held accountable.

Even though there were discussions about the prison possibly closing later, the decision happened suddenly and swiftly. This indicates that the Bureau of Prisons acknowledged their inability to stop further harm to the inmates. Rather than investigating other potential perpetrators, the transfer appears to avoid taking responsibility or ensuring the perpetrators face consequences for their actions. One inmate described the transfer as a way of sweeping everything under the rug instead of seeking justice for the conditions they endured.

Constant punishment and retaliation against the women who spoke out.

Survivors who spoke out against the abuse faced punishment and retaliation. In March 2024, Art Dulgov, was removed as the warden of the facility following revelations of how he and his staff have been punishing and retaliating against an inmate who gave testimony in January about the prison. Despite a court order prohibiting witness transfers without approval, she was abruptly relocated to another facility. Adding to the turmoil, mere weeks before the Dublin prison closure announcement, Deputy Regional Director N.T. McKinney assumed control, marking the fourth leadership change since July 2021.

Taylor & Ring is committed to empowering survivors and ensuring that their voices are heard. We know that transferring these inmates to other facilities does not solve the issue at hand as other facilities have the same types of problems. Therefore, our Los Angeles sex abuse attorneys provide unwavering support and legal protection to pursue justice. If you or a loved one has experienced sexual abuse, contact our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free confidential consultation. We offer strong legal representation that is unmatched across the Los Angeles area.