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Child Day care

Los Angeles Daycare Injuries Attorneys Hold Negligent Facilities Responsible

Fighting to protect the children in Los Angeles and Southern California

Entrusting your child to the care and keeping of a daycare provider is a difficult decision, but millions of Americans must rely on these facilities every day. No matter how much research you do on the provider and caretakers, it is impossible to vet every possible circumstance and risk to your child. These care providers and institutions have a responsibility to protect your children and keep them safe. When your child has been put in harm’s way, you need an experienced Los Angeles daycare injuries attorney on your side.

At Taylor & Ring, we have helped numerous families successfully seek compensation for injuries sustained by their children while in the care of others. These programs are heavily regulated and certified, with rules and requirements that they are required to follow. When they fail to meet these industry standards, our lawyers will investigate to discover whose negligence led to the injury of your child and hold them accountable.

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What types of accidents can happen at a daycare?

Our firm handles complex daycare injury cases stemming from various types of incidents. The most common accidents include:

  • Playground equipment injuries. According to, more than 200,000 preschool and school-aged children seek medical attention each year for playground-related injuries. These incidents can stem from defective playground equipment or a lack of adequate supervision by daycare providers. Daycare operators have a duty to regularly inspect playground equipment for defects and hazards.
  • Bottle-warming injuries. Though it may seem like a harmless task, numerous children are harmed each year by bottle-warming injuries, as reported by Numerous children are severely burned in these incidents each year. It is a common daycare practice for providers to use slow cookers for the purpose of warming multiple bottles at the same time. Upon seeing the bottle, the child may reach for it, causing the slow cooker to tip over and spill scalding water onto the child. Further complicating the matter, the weight of the slow cooker can cause additional injuries.
  • Falling objects. Daycare providers must ensure that the childcare area is free from hazards and unreasonable risks. This includes tall bookshelves that are not attached to the wall. Children can climb on these units, causing them to fall over and trap them underneath. Heavy items such as televisions, aquariums, and certain toys can also cause harm when pulled from shelves by curious children. Providers should ensure that toys are stored in an appropriate location.
  • Inadequate hiring practices. Daycare workers have the extremely important responsibility of caring for innocent children. Facilities should implement hiring practices that thoroughly investigate each worker. Failure to take these precautions can create situations where children are left in the care of dangerous individuals. From inadequate supervision to abusive behaviors, the consequences of this negligence can be severe.

Holding facilities and home daycares responsible for child injuries

Our knowledgeable Los Angeles daycare injury lawyers have successfully advocated for children injured in daycare facilities, as well as in-home daycare arrangements. When you secure our assistance, we work quickly to investigate the matter and seek justice for your child, which also helps to advocate for the safety of all Southern California children. We strongly urge parents to advocate for the safety of their own children by watching out for the following signs of injury or abuse:

  • Unexplained bruises, burns or marks on the body
  • Overly aggressive behaviors
  • Complaints of recurring pains
  • Sudden onset of inappropriate behaviors
  • Strong opposition to attending daycare

If you suspect your child has been injured in a daycare-related incident, first call the appropriate authorities to ensure the safety of your child. Your next call should be to experienced Los
Angeles injury lawyers who have a commitment to child safety. Lawsuits involving minors require special attention and care, and our law firm is committed to providing the utmost skill and precision in our representation of you, your child and your family.

If your child suffered injuries that will alter his or her livelihood for the rest of his or her life, we know how to calculate damages to best suit you and your family’s needs. We aggressively seek damages for existing and future medical expenses as well as pain and suffering, which often includes mental scarring and traumatic psychological effects.

Trust us to handle your family's legal matters in your Los Angeles daycare injury case

We know it can be hard to trust anyone after your child’s life has been put in danger, but we have the skill, experience and tenacity needed to handle your case discretely and aggressively. Call Taylor & Ring at 310-776-6390 or complete our contact form today for a free consultation about your case with an experienced Los Angeles child injury attorney.

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