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Inadequate Security

Aggressive Representation from Los Angeles Negligent Security Lawyers

LA personal injury attorneys helping assault victims seek compensation from negligent property owners

When a rape, robbery or assault occurs, justice is not limited to the criminal charges. Under some circumstances, victims of criminal activity may have grounds to sue the property owner for failing to prevent the attack through reasonable security measures. This is called security negligence and it is one aspect of premises liability law.

The talented Los Angeles security negligence lawyers of Taylor & Ring have brought successful lawsuits for premises liability involving inadequate security against owners of apartment complexes and commercial establishments. These parties failed to meet their duties to protect the safety of tenants, employees, patrons and the public.

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When does a property owner have liability for criminal activities?

Property owners have a responsibility to ensure their premises are safe and secure. Owners of certain establishments are responsible for taking extra security measures, especially for properties located within high-crime areas or if their business involves large crowds, alcohol and/or nighttime activities. Our experienced Los Angeles premises liability attorneys can explore negligent security lawsuits against the owners of the following properties:

  • Apartment buildings. Apartment communities are prime targets for criminal activity. Thieves, robbers and rapists prey on apartment residents as they enter and exit their homes. It is imperative for apartment building owners to employ adequate security measures.
  • When patrons spend their money to stay in a hotel, they expect to be safe from harm while on hotel grounds. Hotel hallways, elevators and parking lots can be extremely dangerous without proper security measures.
  • Bars and nightclubs. Nightclubs can be deadly without adequate security in place. Bar and club owners are responsible for providing reasonable protections against criminal activity, as well as the actions of intoxicated patrons within the establishment. This is accomplished through bartender policies, security guards and adequate emergency measures. The nighttime operations of these facilities, along with the presence of alcohol, make them particularly risky if appropriate measures are not taken.
  • Sports venues. If you combine the intense emotions of a sporting event with alcohol, the results can be dangerous. Like nightclub owners, sports venue operators have a responsibility to employee security measures that keep fans safe from harm while in and around the venue location.
  • Health clubs. Health clubs are susceptible to theft and assault. When patrons leave their personal belongings in lockers, they may be stolen by thieves. Without proper security, locker rooms can also create a risk for physical and/or sexual assault.
  • Parking lots or parking garages. Parking lots and garages can be dangerous locations, particularly at night. To keep patrons safe, these owners should provide adequate lighting, cameras and skilled security personnel.
  • Shopping malls. These facilities are especially dangerous after dark and during the holiday season. Thieves scope out shopping malls and their parking lots with the hopes of taking advantage of innocent shoppers. Mall owners can ensure that parking lots are well lit and provide a strong security presence to deter criminal activities and dangerous behaviors.

What types of cases count as negligent security?

Once we establish that the property owner owed a duty of care to the victim, we can pursue damages for harm from any violent encounter, including:

  • Rape or attempted sexual assault
  • A mugging or armed robbery
  • An unprovoked attack
  • Bystander injuries in a bar fight
  • An overzealous bouncer or security guard

Our Los Angeles negligent security lawyers have extensive experience representing victims of injuries resulting from negligent security. We know that beyond the physical injuries, an attack can have a long-term psychological impact — nightmares, insomnia, depression, panic attacks, or a constant state of fear or edginess. We seek damages for medical care, psychiatric care, lost wages, physical or mental disability, and pain and suffering.

How our lawyers can help

Our trial lawyers have obtained many verdicts and settlements for premises liability, including lawsuits for negligent security. For example, we obtained a $1 million wrongful death settlement on behalf of the family of a 33-year-old man who died from head injuries suffered when he was attacked by a hospital security guard over a parking dispute.

We investigate whether the owner or management company failed to take proper safety measures, including regular maintenance and inspection of the premises. Negligent security might include broken fences or door locks, open windows or gates, poor lighting or nonfunctioning security cameras. It might refer to understaffing or overly aggressive security personnel.

Our lawyers look at prior assaults, along with complaints from tenants or patrons, to secure evidence that the owner negligently disregarded a duty of care. Once an owner gains knowledge of particular dangers within or around the property, he or she is responsible for providing adequate security.

Call our Los Angeles negligent security attorneys today for a free consultation

Our skilled Los Angeles premises liability attorneys strive to hold property owners responsible for preventable harm. If you or a loved one suffered injury due to inadequate security, we can help. Please call us at 310-776-6390 or contact form to discuss your situation in a free consultation.

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