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Los Angeles Date Rape Attorneys

Los Angeles Date Rape Attorneys

Holding date rape offenders throughout California accountable for their actions

Date rape is a particularly difficult experience, due to the relationship that often exists between the victim and the offender. Many victims find it challenging to accuse an acquaintance, a friend, or even a romantic partner of sexual assault. The attorneys of Taylor & Ring understand the complex dynamics of date rape. Our knowledgeable Los Angeles date rape lawyers provide you with the compassion you deserve and the aggression your civil claim needs. If you are a victim of date rape, do not hesitate to turn to our firm to advocate for your rights.

From the beginning, I knew I was in compassionate hands with Taylor and Ring. I was represented by Mr. Ring, and as a sexual abuse survivor, I felt that he went above and beyond a typical trial lawyer's obligations. Mr. Ring demonstrated such kindness and professionalism throughout my litigation experience that a process which can often feel worse than the abuse felt humane and empowering. I am forever grateful to have had Taylor and Ring's representation during a time when I felt completely alone. They are the best of the best!

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What is date rape?

Under the laws of California, “date rape” is not classified as a separate offense from rape. The statute defines rape as nonconsensual sexual intercourse with an individual through one of the following:

  • Force
  • Threat of force
  • Duress
  • Menace
  • Fraud
  • Fear of retaliation
  • Lack of capacity

Date rape fits within this statute because it commonly occurs through duress, fear, or lack of capacity.

Intimate partner violence includes more than rape

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes ongoing studies into intimate partner violence (IPV). They classify acts of IPV in four ways: sexual violence, stalking, physical violence, and psychological aggression. Per their data, 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 10 men, will be a victim of intimate partner violence during their lifetimes; 18.3% of women, and 8.2% of men, will experience contact sexual violence – which includes the act of rape – in their lifetimes.

You do not have to be raped, in the legal definition, to be the victim of an attack. Date rape, and IPV, can also encompass:

  • Digital penetration
  • Oral copulation
  • Sodomy
  • Penetration with a foreign object

The use of date rape drugs

Perpetrators often use drugs to inhibit the victim’s ability to say “no.” Offenders often slip them into the victim’s drink undetected. Substances commonly associated with date rape include:

  • Rohypnol. Also referred to as “roofies,” these relaxants dissolve clearly in liquid.
  • Also called “liquid ecstasy,” it is an odorless and colorless substance.
  • Sometimes called “Special K,” ketamine can come in powder or liquid form.
  • While not technically classified as a date rape drug, “Approximately half of the sexual assaults of adult women involve alcohol use,” making it one of the most effective date rape intoxicants used.

Signs you may have been given a date rape drug

Most people are well aware of the signs of alcohol use and abuse: headaches, nausea, light sensitivity, etc. The signs of being slipped a date rape drug can be similar, but may also include:

  • “You feel drunk and haven't drunk any alcohol — or, you feel like the effects of drinking alcohol are stronger than usual.
  • You wake up feeling very hung over and disoriented or having no memory of a period of time.
  • You remember having a drink, but cannot recall anything after that.
  • You find that your clothes are torn or not on right.
  • You feel like you had sex, but you cannot remember it.” (Office of Women’s Health)

In some cases, it may be as much as 12 hours before you remember the attack, or before you wake up and feel the effects of the attack. If you think you have been raped, you should go to your local hospital and ask for a rape kit, so that the doctors can test you. This may include swabbing whichever part of your body was penetrated, or testing your urine. You should also call the police from the hospital, and give them your statement.

Advocating for date rape victims

Securing a criminal date rape conviction can prove challenging. These cases generally involve the word of the victim against the word of the accused. Without supporting evidence, the case comes down to credibility and who the court believes more. This is very frustrating for an accuser who already feels victimized by the rape. An unsuccessful criminal trial can leave him or her feeling victimized by the criminal justice system as well.

At Taylor & Ring, we recognize this frustration and offer an alternative route for holding your offender accountable. The burden of proof for a civil case is less than what criminal courts require. With the help of our capable attorneys, you may still be able to present a successful civil liability claim against your attacker, any enablers, as well as the owner of the property where the rape took place. We know that this option does not replace a criminal conviction, but it can go a long way towards helping you through the healing process.

Trust an experienced Los Angeles sexual abuse law firm with your case

If you have been the victim of date rape in Southern California, trust the attorneys of Taylor & Ring to provide you with the compassionate guidance and aggressive representation you need. Call us today at 310-209-4100 or complete our convenient contact form to schedule a free, confidential consultation with an experienced lawyer.

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