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Holding the Attacker's Employer Responsible After a Rape is Committed in a Los Angeles Workplace

Southern California employers have a duty to conduct background checks, respond to sexual assault complaints and provide proper security

According to statistics, 60 percent of sexual assault incidents are not reported to authorities. Many instances of rape occur at the perpetrator's place of business, including cases of sexual assault by a supervisor, co-worker or client. While some employers do the right thing, and address the incident immediately and thoroughly, including involvement by the appropriate legal authorities, countless others have attempted to protect their business, rather than the well-being of the victim, by attempting to overlook or even cover up the rape or sexual assault.

At Taylor & Ring, our Los Angeles workplace sexual assault attorneys believe that the perpetrator's employer must be held responsible for its role in facilitating, allowing, covering up, or attempting to ignore rape or sexual assault.

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Proper screening techniques to detect sexual predators

There are many reasons to pursue legal action against the employer of a perpetrator of rape or sexual assault — not the least of which is to protect other potential victims from abuse, violence and exploitation at the hands of predators who would seek to use these companies and organizations as sanctuary.

Southern California employers have an obligation to utilize proper screening techniques in order to detect the presence of sexual predators at their place of business, including thorough background checks on all potential hires to determine if any have a prior history of perpetrating rape or sexual assault.

If you believe a perpetrator's employer failed to demonstrate proper due diligence in the hiring process, the rape and sexual assault lawyers at Taylor & Ring can help hold them responsible for their role in your trauma. In one case, our firm obtained a $5.4 million verdict on behalf of a woman who was raped at a West Hollywood nightclub by one of the club's employees. We were able to hold the employer, the club, liable for negligent supervision and for negligent security.

Employer failure to follow up on sexual assault and rape complaints

In addition to overlooking or failing to investigate an employee's history of rape and assault, employers may also fail to thoroughly investigate complaints that could have helped prevent the rape in question.

Perpetrators often exhibit certain red flags or warning signs prior to actually committing acts of rape or assault, and these signs may be noticed — and even reported — by observant co-workers, supervisors, clients or customers. Employers who receive such complaints have a duty to follow up and remove the employees in question if their behavior warrants such treatment.

Unfortunately, many employers simply ignore sexual assault complaints or try to actively cover up such complaints. Those employers must be held accountable for their negligent actions or deliberate failures

Duty to provide proper security from rape and sexual assault

California employers, under the premises liability law of the state, have a duty to protect workers and visitors to their worksites from attacks. They are required to install security procedures and devices that can help prevent criminal conduct during working hours. Property owners are responsible for extra security measures in high-crime areas or if their business involves large crowds, alcohol and/or nighttime activities. Our experienced Los Angles sexual abuse attorneys can explore lawsuits against the owners of apartment buildings, hotels, bars and nightclubs, sports venues, health clubs, parking lots or parking garages, office buildings, shopping malls and other properties.

The lawyers at Taylor & Ring understand the variety of ways employers can run background checks on employees. We know, as should every public and private employer, that the safety of workers is paramount — at the office location and while traveling offsite. For decades, we have been helping Southern California women and men get justice when employers fail to protect their workers from rape and assaults that could have been prevented.

Types of Cases We Handle

Compassionate representation for victims of rape, including:

Consult a Los Angeles rape and sexual assault attorney with the experience to help you get justice

If you or a loved one was sexually assaulted or raped in the workplace, please know that employers in California have a duty to take reasonable steps to protect you. For help in holding an employer accountable, please call Taylor & Ring at 310-209-4100 or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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